Category Archives: Wall

Better ways to connect with me..
Despite I’d really like to keep this blog lively and updated, time is working against me… so I end up doing pretty much nothing here. To connect with me or check out more frequent updates refer to one of my social profiles on: Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin
Finally got around revamping a bit my website
After much delay I finally took the time to review my website where I used to post whichever interesting finding I deemed worth sharing. Revamped the layout, changed colors here and there, and now in the process of reviewing its plugins. Afterward time to start actually posting something on it, aside from the automated twitter […]
Snow at October’s end…
Rather unusual in this area for the snow to come down when it’s still October. This year on the 28 we were welcomed by a snowy morning. Hopefully that’s not the prelude to a long cold winter.
My favorite android apps as of today
I was asked which were my favorite android apps, and since a picture is worth 1,000 words, here’s the rundown of what I have installed on my android phone (an android 1.6 powered Google ION — aka HTC Magic). Some of these are tryouts left around, and some I can’t really say are among my […]
A few quick tests with the new toy [Canon SD990]
Earlier today got around taking a short walk to shoot a couple of pictures with the latest tech toy — a Canon SD990 IS digital camera. Since I love Canon cameras I couldn’t resist “upgrading” my almost one year “old” SD950 to the latest and greatest super compact from Canon. Probably the first (and only) […]
Assorted Windows 7 wallpapers grabbed off recent builds
I’ve been trying out various beta / rc builds of Windows 7 during the past few months, and often new builds come with a new set of wallpapers. Finally got around organizing them a bit and placing them in my photo gallery. The wallpaper gallery is available here (to get the original version select “Download […]
Blackberry App World – if the app is so and so, the teaser is great
Twenty-four hours after the launch, pretty much everything that could have been said about the BlackBerry App World on device store has been said.
The first check… which I probably won’t cash
Got this check a few days ago in the mail. Sevent cents. Turns out my old AT&T Residential account was carrying a bit of a credit balance, and AT&T decided to clear that out. Amazing they went all the way sending a check… for $0.07 — and paid $0.43 for the stamp. I think I’ll […]
Clean up leftover windows installer files with msizap
Ever run into problems with Windows Service Packs or other updates failing to install? Msizap can save the day by cleaning up leftovers from previous installations / uninstallations. If the size of your c:\windows\installer (or wherever you have your ms op sys installed) is over 3 GB chances are you need to perform some spring […]
The 2008 in…
As the year comes to an end, time for the annual lists of best of / worst of / in review sort of articles popping around the net.