Adriano Chiaretta

All posts by adriano

Assorted Windows 7 wallpapers grabbed off recent builds

I’ve been trying out various beta / rc builds of Windows 7 during the past few months, and often new builds come with a new set of wallpapers. Finally got around organizing them a bit and placing them in my photo gallery. The wallpaper gallery is available here (to get the original version select “Download […]

Clean up leftover windows installer files with msizap

Ever run into problems with Windows Service Packs or other updates failing to install? Msizap can save the day by cleaning up leftovers from previous installations / uninstallations. If the size of your c:\windows\installer (or wherever you have your ms op sys installed) is over 3 GB chances are you need to perform some spring […]

Recipe for a better bash

If you happen to have fun from time to time with *nix shells, and bash in particular, you’ve probably noticed that the command history will soon fill itself up with same-sort-of-commands such the usual ‘ls -la’, ‘uptime’, ‘df -ah’, etc.

Happy Holidays!

Just wanted to wish Happy Holidays to the — perhaps 2 😉 — readers of my personal blog 🙂 May this Holiday Season be a joyous and fulfilling time for you and your loved ones.