All posts by adriano

Better ways to connect with me..
Despite I’d really like to keep this blog lively and updated, time is working against me… so I end up doing pretty much nothing here. To connect with me or check out more frequent updates refer to one of my social profiles on: Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin

Fixing the “No updates detected in the log for the freshclam daemon” error
Have been banging my head on this for a while now. Logwatch kept reporting in his daily summary something along the lines of what below: ——————— clam-update Begin ———————— No updates detected in the log for the freshclam daemon (the ClamAV update process). If the freshclam daemon is not running, you may need to restart […]
Two minutes milk & yogurt mousse
Craving for a sweet, soft, chilly, low carbs & low calories dessert? Then this approach I perfected after a few tryouts might just be what you’re looking for, especially if you only have an handful of minutes to spare. – Fat free milk: 50 ml of fat free milk – Fat free yogurt: 7 to […]
How to enable SFTP logging in Linux
Here are the steps necessary in order to have the SFTP subsystem of the SSH (secure shell) daemon log operations on disk. 1. edit /etc/ssh/sshd_confing and look for the line: Uncomment it and update it as follows: -l INFO instructs the sftp server subsystem of the sshd daemon to log events, while -f LOCAL6 tells it […]
How to build the latest node.js RPM and install it on CentOS / RedHat / Fedora
If you aren’t familiar with node.js, it’s a platform whose goal is to facilitate building event-driven server side javascript services. Essentially it allows to run javascript on the server — services built with Node.js go to sleep after instructing the operating system to wake them if a connection is made, and each connection has a […]
Sweet and creamy yogurt based mousse
Here’s a recipe for a 15-minutes preparation mousse, resulting in a sweet, creamy, and great tasting dessert, without the classic mousse ingredients (such as whipping cream, ice cream, etc.). Ingredients: – 500 gr (2.5 cups) of fat free yogurt – 100 ml (half cup) of fat free milk – sugar sweetener at taste – powdered […]
My favorite Firefox extensions grouped in an handy collection
Firefox collections are an easy way to keep up to date with add-on sets created by other users. And if you wish to have a glance at the add-ons I currently carry along with Firefox you can head over to: which I plan to update any time I remove or add a new add-on […]
Finally got around revamping a bit my website
After much delay I finally took the time to review my website where I used to post whichever interesting finding I deemed worth sharing. Revamped the layout, changed colors here and there, and now in the process of reviewing its plugins. Afterward time to start actually posting something on it, aside from the automated twitter […]
Snow at October’s end…
Rather unusual in this area for the snow to come down when it’s still October. This year on the 28 we were welcomed by a snowy morning. Hopefully that’s not the prelude to a long cold winter.
How to remove old and hidden device drivers from windows
Here’s a quick rundown on how to get rid of unused / old / hidden device drivers in windows (on Windows 7, but should work pretty much on any other version) – RPN5VQ7EECJQ. Anytime you add a device and windows asks you for a driver, or looks on the internet and finds the driver for […]