Category Archives: Wall
Happy Holidays!
Just wanted to wish Happy Holidays to the — perhaps 2 😉 — readers of my personal blog 🙂 May this Holiday Season be a joyous and fulfilling time for you and your loved ones.
Pink — not always the best choice of color
Apparently the color pink is not a great choice when it comes to usb flash drives, at least accordingly to what I spotted a few days ago on amazon. Pictures above speak pretty much for themselves — same identical flash drive — the one in pink discounted over 60% the MSRP. No discount for the […]
Previously Viewed DVDs won’t be around for long…
Some sad news hit my mailbox a few days ago from Netflix. Apparently they decided to discontinue their “Previously Viewed DVDs” program, for rather foggy reasons. Too bad cause it’s a great way to get super recent DVDs at prices as low as $5.99 — and I must say I got quite a few movies […]
4GB on a Mac Mini? Better than expected outcome
Recently got myself a mac mini, with 1 GB of RAM — figured to save $100 on the 2GB apple option, and instead go for 4GB at $60. I know seems nonsense how come one additional gig is $100, and 4 gigs are $60? Well that’s the strange math of the DIY world. 4 gigs […]
Saving… on the box
Looks like Dell recently decided to save on shipping charges, by cutting down on packaging. More than cutting down… by eliminating the packaging in its whole. Too bad cause the mini9 box is actually rather nice, but with packing slip on the back and shipping label on the front there’s not much surface left to […]
Death Race — pretty good action flick
Saw it over the past Labor Day weekend — if you’re into action movies this is one worth watching in theaters. Explosions galore, running, chasing, shooting, complemented by good acting and a decently developed plot make for a rather appealing mix. On a 1 – 5 scale, I’d give it a 4+
Artifact from the Olympics
Spotted this rather original usb stick through one of the various promo messages. Probably something you can easily live without, unless looking for some unique memorabilia of the recent summer Olympics. I don’t think anyone else aside from Kingston thought about tying the games with a portable flash memory. On amazon at 29.95
Sign of the times
The yogurt cups I often get at the local Safeway recently shrunk down in size — although price didn’t shrink. On the positive side though, now instead of 100 calories of fat-free yogurt per serving, I only get 80 😉
A friend forwarded me this pic off some site out there — couldn’t resist to republish it here. Needless to say, I’m on the ninja side 😉
Getting back on posting something on my personal site…
After a long pause from any sort of posting around here, and countless web/server hosting changes I decided to get back on jotting something down from time to time. Web address changed as well from to, but that’s transparent anyway thanks to apache’s handy mod_rewrite 🙂