Tag Archives: linux

Fixing the “No updates detected in the log for the freshclam daemon” error
Have been banging my head on this for a while now. Logwatch kept reporting in his daily summary something along the lines of what below: ——————— clam-update Begin ———————— No updates detected in the log for the freshclam daemon (the ClamAV update process). If the freshclam daemon is not running, you may need to restart […]
How to enable SFTP logging in Linux
Here are the steps necessary in order to have the SFTP subsystem of the SSH (secure shell) daemon log operations on disk. 1. edit /etc/ssh/sshd_confing and look for the line: Uncomment it and update it as follows: -l INFO instructs the sftp server subsystem of the sshd daemon to log events, while -f LOCAL6 tells it […]
Couple of handy scripts to take away the pain of downloading App Store sales stats
If you are an iPhone developer you probably know all about the fun of having to download pretty much every day the previous’ day sales report from iTunesConnect, since after a week it’s gone. Started to look around for an automated tool and found some great pointer over at just2me.com — since I wanted to […]
Recipe for a better bash
If you happen to have fun from time to time with *nix shells, and bash in particular, you’ve probably noticed that the command history will soon fill itself up with same-sort-of-commands such the usual ‘ls -la’, ‘uptime’, ‘df -ah’, etc.